The Routes


100km - Full Groady

This route covers everything including some very challenging sectors. There is an expectation that if you are picking this option, you will have the stamina to finish the whole course within 4 hours (~25kph avg). The additional 25km are mostly open gravel roads that could be challenging solo in windy conditions.

75km - Regular Groady

This route covers the majority of the difficult sectors in a very condensed form. If you are looking for a rapid assault on your legs, then this route is for you. The expectation is that you will be able to finish this whole route within 3.5 hours (~22kph avg). 

45km - Bite Sized Groady

This route bypasses the hardest stuff. If you're looking for a great gravel ride, without the added stress of the difficult sectors, then this is for you. The expectation is that you will be able to finish this route in 3 hours (~15kph).  


The ride has mixed terrain, but is predominantly non-paved surfaces. Those non-paved surfaces are typically different kinds of gravel roads with some farm roads and a bit of trail mixed in. There are no long climbs (welcome to Southwestern Ontario), but there are several ravine areas that the ride crosses. these are typically the areas where short, punchy climbs exist. 

Full Groady Elevation Profile